Using Paid Membership Pro (PMP) plugin, you can create a premium membership based website and charge the users a certain cost to sign up. But what if you want to give out free memberships? What do you do if you want to test the membership plans on your own? Even as an admin your user profile isn’t enough to access all the membership-based premium content. The user has to be registered as a paid member in order to access premium content.
So, it is necessary to add all the premium content creators as paid members. But it doesn’t sound logical to actually pay in your own website. What you have to do is list the chosen admin and author accounts as premium members. The option isn’t available in the admin section of the membership plugin. It would have been convenient. The option actually shows up in the user edit page of WordPress.
The user edit screen or page—where you edit user details as an admin—can be used to create free membership accounts to access paid plans.
Here are the steps for it:
- Visit your admin dashboard and choose the menu link that says, Users. It will give a list of all registered members.
- Select a user and click on Edit to change the details for that account.
- In the user editor, scroll down to the heading that says Membership Level.
- In the current level dropdown, choose a membership plan for that user profile.
- Hit the Update User button to save the changes.
In this way, you have assigned a user to a paid membership plan without any payment requirements. Obviously, the user profile must exist beforehand. To create a new user profile manually, choose the Users > Add New option in the dashboard.
Using 100% Discount Codes
Another way to allow free signups would be to give members 100% discounts. That would bring down the cost to 0. For this method, you need to create a new coupon code.
To create such discount codes:
- Go to Membership > Discount Codes.
- Create a Code, and choose a level. Start and end dates along with uses can be entered according to your requirement.
- Tick a level first. In the Initial payment enter the amount as 0. The same goes for the Billing amount if it is a recurring subscription.
- Hit Save Code.
Now people can sign up or create accounts in your website under membership plans by simply using the free discount code that you just created.