If you are an administrator of a WordPress site then you might have noticed an admin toolbar on the top of every page of your website. The bar presents you with quick options and links to modify your website, posts or pages. On it, you will find links to access the WordPress official pages and your site’s admin dashboard, themes, widgets and menus along with the link to the customizer.
You will also find the quick links related to the post. You can create a new post, page, user or upload media anytime using the toolbar. When you are browsing a post, you can also edit it directly without having to go through the admin dashboard’s all posts page. Other options that you may see—based on whether those services are activated or not—are jetpack’s statistics and a link to it along with the Delete Cache option. All these links present in the top admin bar will take you directly to a settings page inside the admin dashboard and will save you some time.
But not everyone will want to see this toolbar on top of their website. It’s not displayed for your site’s guests but still you’d want to disable it for yourself as well.
Here’s how you can simply enable or disable the WordPress top admin bar:
- Visit your administration dashboard.
- Click on Users > Your Profile.
- Check off the option that says Toolbar: ☑ Show Toolbar when viewing site.
- Click on Update Profile to save your changes.
Obviously, you will want to leave that option checked or turn it on if you want to activate the site wide admin toolbar. This method only turns it off for a particular user. If there are more than one users registered and logged into your website, then it will still display for them until they decide to turn it off manually using the same steps as shown above. But do not worry as it won’t be displayed for your guests and website traffic.
In some themes, you will also find the option to turn it off for everyone from the theme’s customizer or options. Such themes will basically activate the following code that you can manually add in functions.php file of your theme:
add_filter('show_admin_bar', '__return_false');
Remove the line or comment it to keep the toolbar.