Yet Another Related Posts Plugin (YARPP) is a very popular WordPress plugin for displaying related posts. This plugin will allow you to automatically show interesting content to your visitors. The contents are placed at the end of a post so visitors can find what to read next.
When you display related content to your visitors, you might keep a certain percentage of them a little while longer. This means an increase in page views for your website. Related posts are chosen by this YARPP plugin automatically. It has its own method of figuring out the most related posts.
Link to the Plugin: YARPP for WordPress
You have to understand that this plugin has a pro version as well. This means that YARPP basic is limited in certain features. But it works good enough to display related posts in the sidebar or after a post ends.
Screenshot of YARPP in Action
Below Posts
On the Sidebar as List
Mentionable Features of YARPP:
- Automatically displays related posts after a post content ends.
- Display related posts on the sidebar with YARPP widget.
- Disallow related posts from certain categories or tags.
- Also include password protected posts as related topics.
- Limit how backward in time you want to go to display related posts.
- Specify “Match Threshold” to ensure posts is highly or less likely related.
- Choose between post title, body, category and tags to extract related posts. You can specify to consider, not consider or highly consider title, body, category and tags individually.
- You can also force related posts to match at least one or more than one categories or tags.
- You can also include or exclude pages from related posts.
- You can also enable displaying only previous posts. That means only past posts of a certain topic will only be displayed as related posts for that topic.
- Choose the heading for related posts. Heading like “You may also like:”
- Specify a default image URL if a featured image is not present in the post.
- Specify the order of related posts. You can sort by alphabetical, reverse alphabetical, date (old to new or new to old), or by relevancy score.
- You can also display related posts in your RSS feeds.