Tags allow you to group your blog posts into certain categories and topics. Think of it as keywords for your topics which are seen by your guests and they can click on it to get more similar posts on the same subject. They are optional to use but if you do decide to use tags, you are able to group posts in an additional way other than categories. They can also be displayed as a cloud in widgets and on the sidebar so that users can find posts on the topic of their interest.
Tags can be added to a blog post when you are composing one or they can also be added using the dedicated settings in the admin panel. It is simpler if you add comma separate keywords while composing your blog post.
Adding Tags When Creating or Editing Blog Posts
- In your post compose or edit page find the meta box that says tags.
- Add multiple words separated by comma or add one keyword at a time.
- Press the Add button.
Since the idea of tags is to group multiple posts, try to add previously used words exactly in the same fashion. You can also use Choose from the most used tags link to help you out. It will display a cloud of words which you can click on to add to the current post.
From the Administration Panel
Like for most features, there’s also a dedicated page to work with tags. You will find it under Posts > Tags in your admin dashboard. Use it to create them just like you create categories.
Here are the steps:
- Log into your administration panel.
- Click on Posts > Tags in the settings menu.
- Enter the Name, Slug (optional) and Description (optional) in their respective fields.
- Click on Add New Tag.
Managing and Editing Tags
You can do it from Posts > Tags in the WordPress administration panel. Directly hover over a row to edit or quick edit it. Use the search feature if there are many words to filter from. ‘Quick edit’ allows you to change the name and slug from the same page while the ‘Edit’ feature will take you to a new page where you can enter the description also. You can also click on a keyword in the Popular Tags cloud on the same page to edit them. The posts using the tag will be automatically updated with the changes.
To delete, follow the save hover method or use the bulk actions dropdown and click on the Delete link or option. The Apply button must be pressed for bulk actions.